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Dear adolescents, parents, teachers, dear Sir or Madam,

Welcome to ROYOUTH, the initiative for adolescents. We are delighted at your interest and would like to provide you an overview of our activities on this website.

The aim of our ROYOUTH-initiative is the talent promotion of young adults. That is, we want to be a partner for adolescents during the discovery and development of their individual abilities. For this our ROYOUTH-initiative provides many possibilities for crafts and experiments. Discovering talents does not mean the implementation of prefabricated instructions, but to find independent, creative and innovative approaches, whereby fun and creativity are in the center of ROYOUTH.
In addition we are not an educational offer or a competitor to other organizations of youth development. Instead we want to support the youth work as an additional, fair initiative and give schools, associations and other initiatives of youth work the possibility to develop suitable activities together. Thereby it is irrelevant, whether there are talents in the fields of natural sciences and technology, economics and society, or art and music. We want to give all adolescents the chance to discover their individual interests and talents and to pursue these interests as a school class, as a team in the afternoon or as single person. Furthermore we also provide our support for pupils competitions.

We are open for proposals and new exciting ideas for our offer and will keep these ideas personally, by telephone or by email. We are open to (almost) all experiments.